Fulbright: Giving to create meaningful impact

Remember the moment you boarded the ship—or perhaps your first transatlantic flight—to start your adventure as a Fulbright Austria program participant in the United States/Austria to study, to teach, or to pursue research as an Austrian/US citizen-ambassador?

Collectively, our community has 70 years of educational and cultural snapshots of their Fulbright Austria experience—help us bestow those wonderful opportunities and life-changing moments you had on the next generation of program participants. We need your support; every donation is vitally important.

In December 2020, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) once again pledged matching funds in the amount of 150,000 EUR to double third-party donations made in Austria.

Don’t miss out on your opportunity to give as we continue to sponsor educational and cultural exchange programs for the brightest of students, scholars, and teaching assistants.

Donate to Fulbright Austria

Your support to Fulbright Austria is funding opportunity, funding adventure, funding impact! Be part of the experience!

Donations to Fulbright Austria are fully tax deductible in Austria and the US. 

Mitch Sims
Contact Person

Mitch Sims

Alumni Relations Manager
Outreach, Development, and Fundraising
TEL. +43-1-236 7878 - 18